Shelley Do Vale
Shelley is the Managing Director of Vale Compliance Solutions Limited (“Vale”). Shelley specialises in regulatory, anti-money laundering, counter-terrorism financing, counter-proliferation financing and sanctions. Prior to Vale, Shelley practiced as an attorney in leading law firms in the Cayman Islands and as a Vice President in the regulatory and compliance professional services area of one of the top law firms acting as an anti-money laundering officer on a variety of fund structures. Most recently Shelley was the Head of Legal, Regulatory and Compliance of a reputable trust and fund administration company. Shelley holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business from Barry University, a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of Liverpool and was admitted as an attorney-at-law in the Cayman Islands in 2015. Shelley is a past council member of the Caymanian Bar Association (now the Cayman Islands Legal Practitioners Association), and is a Notary Public of the Cayman Islands.

Wilson Do Vale
Wilson has over 35 years of experience in the financial services industry. He started his career in Sao Paulo, Brazil at a well-known bank where he swiftly advanced, leading him to be offered a senior role in their Cayman Islands branch. During his career Wilson has acquired vast experience in both banking and compliance and is well versed with the requirements in anti-money laundering, counter-terrorism financing, counter-proliferation financing and sanctions and acts as anti-money laundering compliance officer, anti-money laundering reporting officer and deputy money laundering reporting officer. Wilson holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from Nove de Julho University in Sao Paulo, Brazil and the International Diploma in Compliance Graduate from the International Compliance Association (University of Manchester). He is a member of the International Compliance Association, the Cayman Islands Compliance Association and is a Notary Public of the Cayman Islands. Wilson is fluent in Portuguese and English. Wilson tem mais de 35 anos de experiência no setor de serviços financeiros. Iniciou sua carreira em São Paulo, Brasil, em um conhecido banco onde rapidamente avançou levando-o a ser promovido e transferido para a filial nas Ilhas Cayman. Durante sua carreira, Wilson adquiriu vasta experiência tanto no setor bancário quanto na area de compliance, onde inclui prevencao a lavagem de dinheiro e financiamento do terrorismo, financiamento a proliferação e sanções, e atua como Oficial em Prevenҫão a Lavagem de dinheiro nas Ilhas Cayman. Wilson é bacharel em Matemática pela Universidade Nove de Julho em São Paulo, Brasil e obteve o Diploma de Compliance pela International Compliance Association (Universidade de Manchester). É membro da International Compliance Association (ICA), da Associação de Compliance das Ilhas Cayman (CICA) e é um Notario Público das Ilhas Cayman. Wilson é fluente em Português e Inglês.